RPGLE - QLGSORT - Use APi to sort subfile data
* Subroutine - SortSfl
* For information on Sort API's see
* OS/400 National Language Support API Guide
* This subroutine sorts the subfile records.
c $SortSFL begsr
* Initialize the key fields to sort on.
* Load S1PRO# field as key field, 07 byte, dec, ascending sequence.
c eval KeyStart = 1
c eval KeySize = 07
c eval KeyDtaTyp = 2
c eval KeyAscDesc = 1
c eval KeyInf(1) = KeyInfDs
* Load S1CNAM field as key field, 30 byte, char , descending sequence.
c eval KeyStart = 8
c eval KeySize = 30
c eval KeyDtaTyp = 6
c eval KeyAscDesc = 2
c eval KeyInf(2) = KeyInfDs
* Load other sort parameters.
c eval BlockLen = 80 + 16 * MaxKey
c eval NbrOfKeys = 2 Variable
c eval RecLen = %size(SFLRCD)
* Initialize Sort I/O API fields.
c eval IORecLen = RecLen
c eval IORecCnt = 1
* All done initializing.
* First step - Initialize the sort routine.
c call 'QLGSORT'
c parm SortBlock
c parm NotUsed
c parm NotUsed
c parm SizeList
c parm ReturnSize
c parm Error
* Next step - write records to I/O routine.
c eval IOType = 1
* read the entire subfile
c for count = 1 to Savrrn
c count chain SUB01
c if %found
c call 'QLGSRTIO'
c parm SortIOBloc
c parm SflRcd
c parm NotUsed
c parm SizeList
c parm NotUsed
c parm Error
c endif
c endfor
* Next step - Signal end of input, clear subfile for reload.
c eval IOType = 2
c call 'QLGSRTIO'
c parm SortIOBloc
c parm SflRcd
c parm NotUsed
c parm SizeList
c parm NotUsed
c parm Error
* Clear the subfile
c exsr $ClearSFL
* Final step - write the records back to the subfile.
c eval IOType = 3
* read the entire subfile
c for count = 1 to Savrrn
c call 'QLGSRTIO'
c parm SortIOBloc
c parm NotUsed
c parm SflRcd
c parm IORecLen
c parm NotUsed
c parm Error
c eval RRN1 = Count
c eval SCRRN = RRN1
c write Sub01
c endfor
c eval SubfileEnd = *on
c z-add SCRRN SavRrn
c if SavRrn = *Zeros And SubfileEnd
c eval DisplaySubfile = *Off
c else
c eval RRN1 = 1.
c eval SCRRN = 1.
c endif
c endsr
* $PosSubfile - Position the subfile
cSR $PosSubfile begsr
c for count = 1 to Savrrn
c count chain SUB01
c if %found and
c S1PRO# = C1PRO# or
c %found and
c S1PRO# > C1PRO# or
c count = Savrrn
c eval RRN1 = Count
c eval SCRRN = Count
* check to see last pink record and un-pink it
c if LastPinkRRN > *Zeros
c LastPinkRRN chain SUB01
c if %found
c eval Pink = *Off
c update SUB01
c clear LastPinkRRN
c endif
c endif
c Count chain SUB01
c if %found
c clear C1PRO#
c eval Pink = *On
c update SUB01
c eval Pink = *Off
c z-add Count LastPinkRrn
c leave
c endif
c endif
c endfor
c endsr