Tuesday, 18 October 2011

RPGLE - Retrieve deleted records from file

 RPGLE  - Retrieve deleted records from file

D TotalC          S              9S 0
     D Len             S              9B 0 Inz( 265 )
     D Fmt             S              8    Inz( 'MBRD0200' )
     D FilNam          S             20    Inz( 'LOCDTP    LOCATOR   ' )
     D MbrNam          S             10    Inz( '*FIRST' )
     D OvrPrs          S              1    Inz( '0' )
     D Error           S             30

     D Out             DS           265
     D  BytRet                 1      4B 0
     D  BytAvl                 5      8B 0
     D  MbrName               29     38
     D  PFLF                 137    137
     D  Total                141    144B 0
     D  DelRcd               145    148B 0
     D  NoMbrs               157    160B 0

     C     APIList       PList
     C                   Parm                    Out
     C                   Parm                    Len
     C                   Parm                    Fmt
     C                   Parm                    FilNam
     C                   Parm                    MbrNam
     C                   Parm                    OvrPrs
     C                   Parm                    Error
     C                   Call      'QUSRMBRD'    APIList
     C                   Z-Add     Total         TotalC
     C     BytRet        Dsply
     C     BytAvl        Dsply
     C     MbrName       Dsply
     C     PFLF          Dsply
     C     TotalC        Dsply
     C     DelRcd        Dsply
     C     NoMbrs        Dsply
     C                   Eval      *InLR = *On

RPGLE - QLGSORT - Use APi to sort subfile data

    RPGLE  - QLGSORT - Use APi to sort subfile data

      * Subroutine - SortSfl
      *  For information on Sort API's see
      *  OS/400 National Language Support API Guide
      *  This subroutine sorts the subfile records.

     c     $SortSFL      begsr
      * Initialize the key fields to sort on.
      * Load S1PRO#     field as key field, 07 byte, dec, ascending sequence.
     c                   eval      KeyStart   = 1
     c                   eval      KeySize    = 07
     c                   eval      KeyDtaTyp  = 2
     c                   eval      KeyAscDesc = 1
     c                   eval      KeyInf(1)  = KeyInfDs
      * Load S1CNAM     field as key field, 30 byte, char , descending sequence.
     c                   eval      KeyStart   = 8
     c                   eval      KeySize    = 30
     c                   eval      KeyDtaTyp  = 6
     c                   eval      KeyAscDesc = 2
     c                   eval      KeyInf(2)  = KeyInfDs
      * Load other sort parameters.
     c                   eval      BlockLen  = 80 + 16 * MaxKey
     c                   eval      NbrOfKeys = 2                                Variable
     c                   eval      RecLen    = %size(SFLRCD)
      * Initialize Sort I/O API fields.
     c                   eval      IORecLen = RecLen
     c                   eval      IORecCnt = 1
      * All done initializing.
      * First step - Initialize the sort routine.
     c                   call      'QLGSORT'
     c                   parm                    SortBlock
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    SizeList
     c                   parm                    ReturnSize
     c                   parm                    Error
      * Next step - write records to I/O routine.
     c                   eval      IOType = 1
      * read the entire subfile
     c                   for       count   = 1 to Savrrn
     c     count         chain     SUB01
     c                   if        %found
     c                   call      'QLGSRTIO'
     c                   parm                    SortIOBloc
     c                   parm                    SflRcd
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    SizeList
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    Error
     c                   endif
     c                   endfor
      * Next step - Signal end of input, clear subfile for reload.
     c                   eval      IOType = 2
     c                   call      'QLGSRTIO'
     c                   parm                    SortIOBloc
     c                   parm                    SflRcd
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    SizeList
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    Error
      *    Clear the subfile
     c                   exsr      $ClearSFL
      * Final step - write the records back to the subfile.
     c                   eval      IOType = 3
      * read the entire subfile
     c                   for       count   = 1 to Savrrn
     c                   call      'QLGSRTIO'
     c                   parm                    SortIOBloc
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    SflRcd
     c                   parm                    IORecLen
     c                   parm                    NotUsed
     c                   parm                    Error
     c                   eval      RRN1 = Count
     c                   eval      SCRRN = RRN1
     c                   write     Sub01
     c                   endfor
     c                   eval      SubfileEnd = *on
     c                   z-add     SCRRN         SavRrn
     c                   if        SavRrn = *Zeros  And   SubfileEnd
     c                   eval      DisplaySubfile = *Off
     c                   else
     c                   eval      RRN1  = 1.
     c                   eval      SCRRN = 1.
     c                   endif
     c                   endsr
      *  $PosSubfile - Position the subfile
     cSR   $PosSubfile   begsr
     c                   for       count   = 1 to Savrrn
     c     count         chain     SUB01
     c                   if        %found        and
     c                             S1PRO# = C1PRO#  or
     c                             %found        and
     c                             S1PRO# > C1PRO#  or
     c                             count = Savrrn
     c                   eval      RRN1 = Count
     c                   eval      SCRRN = Count
      * check to see last pink record and un-pink it
     c                   if        LastPinkRRN > *Zeros
     c     LastPinkRRN   chain     SUB01
     c                   if        %found
     c                   eval      Pink = *Off
     c                   update    SUB01
     c                   clear                   LastPinkRRN
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c     Count         chain     SUB01
     c                   if        %found
     c                   clear                   C1PRO#
     c                   eval      Pink = *On
     c                   update    SUB01
     c                   eval      Pink = *Off
     c                   z-add     Count         LastPinkRrn
     c                   leave
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c                   endfor
     c                   endsr

RPGLE - Generate a random number

    RPGLE  - Generate a random number

d instartnumber   s             15  5
     d inendnumber     s             15  5
     d inrandomnumber  s             15  5
     d wkseed          s              9  9
     d wkstartnumber   s              6  0
     d wkendnumber     s              6  0
     d wkrandomnumber  s              6  0
     d range           s              6  0
     d time            s             12  0
     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    instartnumber
     c                   parm                    inendnumber
     c                   parm                    inrandomnumber
     c                   eval      wkstartnumber  = instartnumber
     c                   eval      wkendnumber    = inendnumber
     c                   eval      wkrandomnumber = inrandomnumber
     c                   if        wkseed = *zeros
     c                   time                    time
     c     .000000001    mult      time          wkseed
     c                   endif
     c                   if        wkstartnumber = *zeros and
     c                             wkendnumber = *zeros   or
     c                             wkendnumber < wkstartnumber
     c                   eval      wkstartnumber = 1
     c                   eval      wkendnumber = 999999
     c                   endif
     c                   eval      range = (wkendnumber -wkstartnumber) + 1
     c                   mult      9821          wkseed
     c                   add       .211327       wkseed
     c                   eval      wkrandomnumber =  (wkseed * range) +
     c                             wkstartnumber
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on



      *                                                                    *
     ‚*  Program Name  : CALENDAR                                          *
     ‚*  Function      : To Select date.                                   *
      *                                                                    *
      * Å¡Logic         :€It Uses output fields to display the date.        *
      *                  1. Current date is obtained from system           *
      *                  2. For the current month, the first day of        *
      *                     of the month and no. of days in the month      *
      *                     is calculated.                                 *
      *                  3. Using this the datastructure is populated      *
      *                     then this value is copied to the display       *
      *                     fields.                                        *

     ‚* Header Specifications
     ‚* =====================

     ‚* Files Used
     ‚* ==========
     Å¡* Display file - Calendar
     FCALENDARFMCF   E             WORKSTN

     ‚* Procedures Used
     ‚* ===============
     Å¡* To get the day of the week
     D GetDay          PR             1  0
     D  Date                           D   Value
     Å¡* To get No of days in a month
     D GetDate         PR             2  0
     D  Date                           D   Value
     Å¡* This will return the month(Text) for the numeric passed.
     D GetMonth        PR             9
     D  Month                         2  0 Value

     ‚* Data Structures Used
     ‚* ====================
     Å¡* This DS is for Finding first day of the month.
     D Date_DS_1       DS
     D  DS_1_Date                      D   DATFMT(*USA) INZ
     D  DS_1_MM                       2S 0 OVERLAY(DS_1_Date:1)
     D  DS_1_DD                       2S 0 OVERLAY(DS_1_Date:4) inz(1)
     D  DS_1_YYYY                     4S 0 OVERLAY(DS_1_Date:7)
     Å¡* This DS will hold current date values.
     D Date_DS_2       DS
     D  DS_2_Date                      D   DATFMT(*USA) INZ
     D  DS_2_MM                       2S 0 OVERLAY(DS_2_Date:1) inz(5)
     D  DS_2_DD                       2S 0 OVERLAY(DS_2_Date:4) inz(31)
     D  DS_2_YYYY                     4S 0 OVERLAY(DS_2_Date:7) inz(2003)

     ‚* Variables Used
     ‚* ==============
     D FirstDay        S              1  0
     D CurrDay         S              1  0
     D MaxDate         S              2  0
     D LiveMonth       S              2  0
     D LiveDate        S              2  0
     D LiveYear        S              4  0
     D Dates           S              2    DIM(37)
     D Count           S              2  0
     D Temp            S              2  0
     D I               S              2  0
     D Selected        S               N   Inz(*Off)
     D Res             S              1

     ‚*                 M A I N L I N E   P R O C E S S I N G              *

     ˜* Exfmt the Calendar display till F3 or a date is Selected
     C                   DoW       Selected = *Off And *IN03 = *Off

     ˜* This calculates the date as per the (M+ or M-) and (Y+ or Y-)
     ˜* Triggered by the user and restores the display.
     C                   Select
     C                   When      OptYearM  = 1
     C                   Eval      DS_2_Date = DS_2_Date - %Years(1)
     C                   MoveA     '0010'        *In(41)
     C                   When      OptMonthM = 1
     C                   Eval      DS_2_Date = DS_2_Date - %Months(1)
     C                   MoveA     '1000'        *In(41)
     C                   When      OptMonthP = 1
     C                   Eval      DS_2_Date = DS_2_Date + %Months(1)
     C                   MoveA     '0100'        *In(41)
     C                   When      OptYearP  = 1
     C                   Eval      DS_2_Date = DS_2_Date + %Years(1)
     C                   MoveA     '0001'        *In(41)
     C                   EndSl

     ˜* Assigns the current values to the Datastructure one
     ˜* so that the maximum no of days and first day of the month
     ˜* is calculated.
     C                   Eval      Count = 0
     C                   Eval      DS_1_MM   = DS_2_MM
     C                   Eval      DS_1_YYYY = DS_2_YYYY

     ˜* This gets the first day of the month
     C                   Eval      FirstDay = GetDay(DS_1_Date)

     ˜* This gets the Current day (Today)
     C                   Eval      CurrDay = GetDay(DS_2_Date)

     ˜* This gets the no of days in the month
     C                   Eval      MaxDate  = GetDate(DS_1_Date)

     ˜* This gets the month(Text) of the month so that it can
     ˜* be displayed on the DSPF
     C                   Eval      Month = getMonth(DS_2_MM)
     C                   Move      DS_2_YYYY     Year

     ˜* This Subroutine populates the Datastructure for the Current
     ˜* Selection(Month and Year)
     C                   ExSr      InitDates

     ˜* This Turns the required indicators for display
     C                   ExSr      SetIndicators

     ˜* This assigns the values from the datastructure to the DSPF fields
     C                   ExSr      SetValues

     ˜* Displays the Calendar for the Current month and Year Selection
     C                   ExFmt     CALENDAR

     ˜* If user strikes Enter key apart from F3 then we have to see
     ˜* whether user has chosed any date.
     C                   If        *In03 = *Off
     C                   ExSr      CheckSel
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo

     C                   If        Selected = *On
     C                   Move      Dates(I)      DS_2_DD
     C     DS_2_Date     Dsply                   Res
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Eval      *inlr = *on

     ‚*    *INZSR        ==> Initialize Sub-Routine                        *
     C     *INZSR        BegSr

     ˜* Current date is retrieved for initial display
     C                   Eval      DS_2_Date = %Date()
     C                   Eval      LiveMonth = DS_2_MM
     C                   Eval      LiveYear  = DS_2_YYYY
     C                   Eval      LiveDate  = DS_2_DD

     ˜* This frames the string which is displayed at the bottom
     C                   Eval      OutPut = %Char(LiveDate)   + ' ' +
     C                             %Trim(getMonth(LiveMonth)) + ', ' +
     C                             %Char(LiveYear)

     C                   Eval      *In41 = *On

     C                   EndSr

     ‚*    InitDates     ==> Initialize the Datastructure                  *
     ‚*                      For Eg. consider the date September 2003      *
     ‚*                      1. The month has got 30 days                  *
     ‚*                      2. First day is Monday                        *
     ‚*                      Hence the DS is populated as follows:         *
     ‚*                        --> DS(1) = *Blanks                         *
     ‚*                        --> DS(2) = '1'                             *
     ‚*                        --> DS(3) = '2' .....                       *
     ‚*                        --> DS(32)= '30'                            *
     ‚*                        --> DS(33)= *Blanks .....                   *
     ‚*                        --> DS(37)= *Blanks                         *
     C     InitDates     BegSr

     C                   Clear                   Dates

     C                   Eval      Temp = MaxDate + FirstDay

     C                   For       I = 1 to 37

     C                   Select
     C                   When      I <= FirstDay Or I > Temp
     C                   Eval      Dates(I) = *BLANKS
     C                   When      I > FirstDay And I <= Temp
     C                   Eval      Count = Count + 1
     C                   Move      Count         Dates(I)
     C                   EndSl

     C                   EndFor

     C                   EndSr

     ‚*    SetIndicators ==> Turn Reqd. Indicators for display             *
     C     SetIndicators BegSr

     C                   For       I = 50 to 56
     C                   Eval      *In(I) = *Off
     C                   EndFor

     C                   For       I = 60 to 96
     C                   Eval      *In(I) = *Off
     C                   EndFor

     C                   If        LiveMonth = DS_2_MM And
     C                             LiveYear  = DS_2_YYYY
     C                   Eval      *In(50 + CurrDay) = *On
     C                   Eval      *In(60 + LiveDate + FirstDay - 1) = *On
     C                   EndIf

     C                   EndSr

     ‚*    SetValues     ==> Copies the DS to DSPF fields                  *
     C     SetValues     BegSr

     C                   Move      Dates(1)      SET1
     C                   Move      Dates(2)      SET2
     C                   Move      Dates(3)      SET3
     C                   Move      Dates(4)      SET4
     C                   Move      Dates(5)      SET5
     C                   Move      Dates(6)      SET6
     C                   Move      Dates(7)      SET7

     C                   Move      Dates(8)      SET8
     C                   Move      Dates(9)      SET9
     C                   Move      Dates(10)     SET10
     C                   Move      Dates(11)     SET11
     C                   Move      Dates(12)     SET12
     C                   Move      Dates(13)     SET13
     C                   Move      Dates(14)     SET14

     C                   Move      Dates(15)     SET15
     C                   Move      Dates(16)     SET16
     C                   Move      Dates(17)     SET17
     C                   Move      Dates(18)     SET18
     C                   Move      Dates(19)     SET19
     C                   Move      Dates(20)     SET20
     C                   Move      Dates(21)     SET21

     C                   Move      Dates(22)     SET22
     C                   Move      Dates(23)     SET23
     C                   Move      Dates(24)     SET24
     C                   Move      Dates(25)     SET25
     C                   Move      Dates(26)     SET26
     C                   Move      Dates(27)     SET27
     C                   Move      Dates(28)     SET28

     C                   Move      Dates(29)     SET29
     C                   Move      Dates(30)     SET30
     C                   Move      Dates(31)     SET31
     C                   Move      Dates(32)     SET32
     C                   Move      Dates(33)     SET33
     C                   Move      Dates(34)     SET34
     C                   Move      Dates(35)     SET35

     C                   Move      Dates(36)     SET36
     C                   Move      Dates(37)     SET37

     C                   EndSr

     ‚*    CheckSel      ==> Checks whether user has msde any selection    *
     C     CheckSel      BegSr

     C                   For       I = 1 to 37
     C                   If        FLD = 'SET'+ %Char(I) and
     C                             Dates(I) <> *Blanks
     C                   Eval      Selected = *ON
     C                   Leave
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndFor

     C                   EndSr

     ‚*    GetDay        ==> This returns the day of the Date              *
     ‚*                      The logic implemented is:                     *
     ‚*                      %Rem(((Date) - (Standard Date)) / 7)          *
     ‚*                      The Standard date will be any Reference       *
     ‚*                      Day. If the reminder is Zero then the         *
     ‚*                      current day is standard day. If it is         *
     ‚*                      '1' then its monday like so...                *
     P GetDay          B

     D  GetDay         PI             1  0
     D   Date                          D   Value

     D  Days           S             15P 0
     D  Day            S              1  0
     D  Sunday         C                   D'1999-12-19'

     C     Date          SubDur    Sunday        Days:*DAYS
     C                   Eval      Day = %Rem(Days:7)
     C                   If        Day < 0
     C                   Eval      Day = Day + 7
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Return    Day

     P                 E

     ‚*    GetDay        ==> This returns the no of days in the month      *
     ‚*                      The logic implemented is:                     *
     ‚*                      Difference between Current date and           *
     ‚*                      (Current Date + One Month) in No of Days      *
     P GetDate         B

     D  GetDate        PI             2  0
     D   Date                          D   Value

     D   Date1         S               D

     C                   Eval      Date1 = Date + %Months(1)
     C                   Return    %Diff(Date1:Date:*D)

     P                 E

     ‚*    GetMonth      ==> This returns the Month in Text for the        *
     ‚*                      Numeric passed                                *
     P GetMonth        B

     D  GetMonth       PI             9
     D   Month                        2  0 VALUE

     C                   Select
     C                   When      Month = 01
     C                   Return    'January'
     C                   When      Month = 02
     C                   Return    'February'
     C                   When      Month = 03
     C                   Return    'March'
     C                   When      Month = 04
     C                   Return    'April'
     C                   When      Month = 05
     C                   Return    'May'
     C                   When      Month = 06
     C                   Return    'June'
     C                   When      Month = 07
     C                   Return    'July'
     C                   When      Month = 08
     C                   Return    'August'
     C                   When      Month = 09
     C                   Return    'September'
     C                   When      Month = 10
     C                   Return    'October'
     C                   When      Month = 11
     C                   Return    'November'
     C                   When      Month = 12
     C                   Return    'December'
     C                   Other
     C                   Return    ' '
     C                   EndSl

     P                 E

                                              D  D  S

A*%%TS  SD  20030717  173714  USC2643     REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
     A                                      CF03(03 'EXIT')
     A                                      MOUBTN(*ULP ENTER)
     A          R CALENDAR
     A*%%TS  SD  20030717  173714  USC2643     REL-V5R1M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      WINDOW(7 25 14 35)
     A                                      RTNCSRLOC(&REC &FLD)
     A            FLD           10A  H
     A            REC           10A  H
     A                                  1 14'Calendar'
     A                                      DSPATR(BL)
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  2  2'Month. .:'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  3  2'Year. . :'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            YEAR           4A  O  3 12COLOR(TRQ)
     A                                  5  2'SUN'
     A N50                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  50                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5  7'MON'
     A N51                                  COLOR(BLU)
     A  51                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5 12'TUE'
     A N52                                  COLOR(BLU)
     A  52                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5 17'WED'
     A N53                                  COLOR(BLU)
     A  53                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5 22'THU'
     A N54                                  COLOR(BLU)
     A  54                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5 27'FRI'
     A N55                                  COLOR(BLU)
     A  55                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A                                  5 32'SAT'
     A N56                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  56                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET1           2A  O  6  3
     A N60                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  60                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET2           2A  O  6  8
     A N61                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  61                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET3           2A  O  6 13
     A N62                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  62                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET4           2A  O  6 18
     A N63                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  63                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET5           2A  O  6 23
     A N64                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  64                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET6           2A  O  6 28
     A N65                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  65                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET7           2A  O  6 33
     A N66                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  66                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET8           2A  O  7  3
     A N67                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  67                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET9           2A  O  7  8
     A N68                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  68                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET15          2A  O  8  3
     A N74                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  74                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET16          2A  O  8  8
     A N75                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  75                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET22          2A  O  9  3
     A N81                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  81                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET23          2A  O  9  8
     A N82                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  82                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET29          2A  O 10  3
     A N88                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  88                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET30          2A  O 10  8
     A N89                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  89                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET36          2A  O 11  3
     A N95                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  95                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET37          2A  O 11  8
     A N96                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  96                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET10          2A  O  7 13
     A N69                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  69                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET11          2A  O  7 18
     A N70                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  70                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET12          2A  O  7 23
     A N71                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  71                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET13          2A  O  7 28
     A N72                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  72                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET14          2A  O  7 33
     A N73                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  73                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET17          2A  O  8 13
     A N76                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  76                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET18          2A  O  8 18
     A N77                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  77                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET19          2A  O  8 23
     A N78                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  78                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET20          2A  O  8 28
     A N79                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  79                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET21          2A  O  8 33
     A N80                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  80                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET24          2A  O  9 13
     A N83                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  83                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET25          2A  O  9 18
     A N84                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  84                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET26          2A  O  9 23
     A N85                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  85                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET27          2A  O  9 28
     A N86                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  86                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET28          2A  O  9 33
     A N87                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  87                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET31          2A  O 10 13
     A N90                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  90                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET32          2A  O 10 18
     A N91                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  91                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET33          2A  O 10 23
     A N92                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  92                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET34          2A  O 10 28
     A N93                                  COLOR(GRN)
     A  93                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            SET35          2A  O 10 33
     A N94                                  COLOR(YLW)
     A  94                                  COLOR(WHT)
     A            OUTPUT        25A  O 13  2COLOR(PNK)
     A            OPTMONTHM      2Y 0B  2 24PSHBTNFLD((*NUMCOL 2) (*GUTTER 2))
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A                                      PSHBTNCHC(1 '-')
     A            OPTMONTHP      2Y 0B  2 29PSHBTNFLD((*NUMCOL 2) (*GUTTER 2))
     A  42                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A                                      PSHBTNCHC(1 '+')
     A            OPTYEARM       2Y 0B  3 24PSHBTNFLD((*NUMCOL 2) (*GUTTER 2))
     A  43                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A                                      PSHBTNCHC(1 '-')
     A            OPTYEARP       2Y 0B  3 29PSHBTNFLD((*NUMCOL 2) (*GUTTER 2))
     A  44                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A                                      PSHBTNCHC(1 '+')
     A                                  4  1'__________________________________-
     A                                      _'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 12  1'__________________________________-
     A                                      _'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            MONTH          9A  O  2 12COLOR(TRQ)
     A          R DUMMY
     A                                      KEEP
     A                                      ASSUME
     A                                  1  3' '